Nurturing Young Leaders

nurturing young leaders

A Meeting with Naxxar Mayor Anne Marie Muscat Fenech Adami

Naxxar Mayor Anne Marie Muscat Fenech Adami
In a world where environmental concerns are growing by the day, fostering a sense of responsibility and activism among the younger generation is more important than ever. It’s heartening to witness initiatives that not only educate young minds about nature and sustainability but also empower them to take meaningful action. Such was the case when a representative group of young teens was selected to  interview Mayor Anne Marie Muscat Fenech Adami of Naxxar Local Council. Naxxar has caught our attention thanks to the blooming wildflowers adorning its main roads. Unlike some other localities that unfortunately succumb to routine flower-cutting during the spring months, Naxxar has chosen a different path – one that values the importance of pollinators, providing them shelter and an important source of food.

Naxxar Mayor Anne Marie Muscat Fenech AdamiIn a world where environmental concerns are growing by the day, fostering a sense of responsibility and activism among the younger generation is more important than ever. It’s heartening to witness initiatives that not only educate young minds about nature and sustainability but also empower them to take meaningful action. Such was the case when a representative group of young teens was selected to  interview Mayor Anne Marie Muscat Fenech Adami of Naxxar Local Council. Naxxar has caught our attention thanks to the blooming wildflowers adorning its main roads. Unlike some other localities that unfortunately succumb to routine flower-cutting during the spring months, Naxxar has chosen a different path – one that values the importance of pollinators, providing them shelter and an important source of food.

Naxxar Wildflowers

The idea behind the interview was to delve deeper into the decision-making behind Naxxar’s wildflower conservation efforts. This was a great opportunity not just to learn about the local environment, but also to engage with public figures and gain firsthand experience in conducting interviews, speaking with local authorities, and fostering connections for a greater cause.

Empowering Through Preparation: An Interview for Change

The actual meeting with Mayor Anne Marie Muscat Fenech Adami unfolded seamlessly. The girls displayed an impressive grasp of the issues and conducted themselves with a maturity that belied their age. Their questions were thoughtful and well-considered, reflecting not only their genuine curiosity about the wildflower preservation initiative but also their concern for the broader environmental landscape in Malta. The Mayor addressed their questions diligently, making sure that the young minds’ curiosities and concerns were all addressed till exhaustion.It was a moment of immense pride for Projekta as they witnessed the young environmentalists taking charge and leading the conversation.
Naxxar Wildflowers

Naxxar WildflowersThe actual meeting with Mayor Anne Marie Muscat Fenech Adami unfolded seamlessly. The girls displayed an impressive grasp of the issues and conducted themselves with a maturity that belied their age. Their questions were thoughtful and well-considered, reflecting not only their genuine curiosity about the wildflower preservation initiative but also their concern for the broader environmental landscape in Malta. The Mayor addressed their questions diligently, making sure that the young minds’ curiosities and concerns were all addressed till exhaustion.

It was a moment of immense pride for Projekta as they witnessed the young environmentalists taking charge and leading the conversation.

The Power of Collaboration and Youth Advocacy

During the conversation, the Mayor emphasized the significance of not only collaborating with environmental experts but also highlighted the value of effective communication between local councils and their residents. The Mayor’s message of unity and empowerment resonated deeply. She reinforced that a high quality of life is a result of a collective effort.

She commended the girls for their initiative and highlighted the influence they hold in their hands through the realm of social media. Rather than succumbing to the trend of negativity that sometimes plagues certain online platforms, she encouraged the girls to harness the power of their social media presence for good. The Mayor’s words illuminated the immense potential to use these platforms as tools for raising awareness about environmental issues and inspiring collective action.

The girls understood that by sharing the positive aspects of their environment and raising awareness about important issues, they could mobilize support and inspire change.

A Stepping Stone to Future Endeavours

The meeting between the young environmentalists and Mayor Anne Marie Muscat Fenech Adami was unquestionably a success. It showcased the power of the youth to create meaningful change and demonstrated that local authorities are willing to engage with and encourage initiatives driven by the community.

This inspiring encounter has set the stage for future collaborations and engagements, proving that when passion, determination, and guidance converge, the results can be truly transformative. Our group have learned valuable lessons in advocacy, collaboration, and the potential of their own voices. As they continue to navigate their journey as change-makers, one thing is certain – their impact on the world around them will be profound and lasting.

No Mow May - Naxxar Local Council