What is Bee-Aware About?

BeeAware EU aims to raise awareness about the decline of pollinators and its impact on the environment and on each and every one of us. Pollinators are vital for our food security, as bees, in particular, play an essential role in local agriculture. Unfortunately, nearly 1 in 10 European wild bees are facing extinction, and 1 in 3 bee and butterfly species have a declining population. If we don’t act on these issues, a disaster is waiting to happen.
BeeAware EU is a collaboration between three Mediterranean countries: Malta, Greece and Italy. We share a similar climate and similar concerns and together we aspire to make a difference. We work mostly with youth, encouraging proactive citizenship from a young age, and highlighting the importance of youth work. Investing in youth today is like planting a seed that will grow into a strong and fruitful tree, providing shade and sustenance for generations to come.
The Bee Camp (Greece)
The Bee Camp mission is to make the world a better place for both bees and people through education, research, habitat creation and advocacy.
Our work is focused on 3 pillars:
- We spread the word
- We educate
- We create a better world for all
The Bee Camp has extensive experience in education and training for trainers’ projects. Since 2017, more than 4800 children and 600 adults have had the chance to take part in our education actions. We offer hands-on environmental education workshops designed by a team of teachers, artists, environmental scientists aiming at environmental awareness. Through our program, we want to expand and amplify our impact by providing school teachers with new educational skills and tools.
Idee in Movimento (Italy)
Idee in Movimento is an active Cultural Association founded in 2015 by a group of young and dynamic friends. They are engaged in various fields, particularly in the Erasmus+ program, where they have developed more than 10 projects in the last 2 years. Their activities include environmental protection, sports projects, cultural and volunteering. The organization works mainly with youngsters in the range 18-30 and takes care of projects and activities focused on adults. Their goal is to give the younger generation the knowledge and tools to solve the problems they face, particularly related to climate change and the lack of jobs in a less developed area of Italy.
Projekta (Malta)
Projekta was established with a social-enterprise mindset to support the younger generation, youth workers and educators in developing new ideas, fostering creativity, critical thinking and promoting entrepreneurship. We are strong advocates for non-formal learning and our focus is on promoting active citizenship, and open discussions with younger members about current topics to nurture critical thinking, listening skills and communication skills. We also promote CSR and volunteering and run the Volunteers Malta platform, bringing together volunteers and NGO’s
Thanks to our knowledge and experience in different sectors, we provide support and guidance to young minds to pursue their dreams.
BeeAware EU
Watch this space for more information soon about the BeeAware project and feel free to get in touch if you would like to be kept in the loop about future activities that you can participate in either in person or remotely.